Faculty Details
Dr. Buchiramulu Batta
Assistant Professor & Librarian
Department of OBHR / Library and Information Science
Specialization : Digital marketing And information
Dr. BUCHIRAMULU BATTA, Ph.D. awarded by Osmania University, under the Supervision of Prof. V. Vishwamohan, in the Department of Library and information Science. My Research topic is “LIBRARY /INFORMATION SERVICES FOR AGRICULTURE SECTOR IN RURAL AREAS OF TELANGANA: A SURVEY”. I Awarded Fellowship For The Year 2010‐11under The University Grants Commission Scheme of RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL FELLOWSHIP (RGNF) for research. I got my master degree of M.L.I. Sc, Master of Tourism Management from Kakatiya University.
Doctoral Degree
- Ph.D. in Library/Information Services, Osmania University
Master Degree
- Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I. Sc), kakatiya University
- Master of Tourism Management (MBA), Kakatiya University
Under Graduation
- Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.L.I. Sc), Osmania University
18 Years Experience in Teaching and Research
Email : buchi.ramulu@klh.edu.in
Human resource Management, Organizational behavior, Information Services for Agriculture Sector, Digital information and marketing
Marketing Management, Information Management, Humanresource Management
7- Publications:2 UGC Care Journals, 2 International and 2 National Conferences and 1 - Book volumes
Workshop and Seminars -6
FDPs - 2
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for PhD Degree-funded by the Ministry of Social Justice &Empowerment