A Central Women’s Forum Committee for KLH GBS campus has been constituted with the following members to address women’s empowerment by equipping and enabling them to take crucial decisions connected to their personal life and their responsibility towards society.
S.No | Name of Company | Sector | Contact | Email Id |
1 | Dr. B Balanagalakshmi | HoD | 9894079450 | balanagalakshmi@klh.edu.in |
2 | Dr. P Himajagathi | Dy.HoD | 9247859290 | himajagathi@klh.edu.in |
3 | Dr. K Narendra Kumar | Associate professor | 9515328145 | k.narendrakumar@klh.edu.in |
4 | Dr. Subha Gora | Associate professor | 9000961012 | subhagora@klh.edu.in |
5 | Dr. Indira | Assistant professor | 9866514414 | indira@klh.edu.in |