To be a globally renowned university
To impart quality higher education and to undertake research and extension with emphasis on application and innovation that cater to the emerging societal needs through all-round development of the students of all sections enabling them to be globally competitive and socially responsible citizens with intrinsic values.
- To identify and introduce new specializations and offer programs in emerging areas therein.
- To design and implement educational system adhering to outcome based International models.
- To introduce and implement innovation in teaching and learning process to strengthen academic delivery.
- To provide skills through curriculum and training that are essential in fostering entrepreneurial thoughts, employability prospects and at the same time provides necessary support for incubating the innovations and assisting them for prospective commercialization.
- To mold the students to possess professional ethics, moral values and intrapersonal skills that shape them into effective leaders and who are having the thoughts of equality and unanimity towards all walks and sects of life.