Faculty Details
Dr. K. Narendra Kumar
Assistant Professor, ERP Coordinator
Department of Business Administration
Specialization : Marketing
Dr. K. Narendra Kumar is an MBA from Andhra University with HR and Marketing Specialization in 2009. Because of his passion in learning through Teaching, he has been in the department of Management Studies for last 14 years. He was awarded Doctorial Degree in the year 2017 from S. G. B. Amravati University, MH. Dr. K. Narendra Kumar has been working in KL University for last one and half a year. He also qualified in APSET-2014 under Business Management. He has more than 12 journal publications including Scopus and UGC carelist. Arears of research includes marketing and Consumer Behaviour.
Doctoral Degree
- Ph.D, S. G. B. Amravati University
Master Degree
- MBA , Andhra University
14 years of Experience
Email : k.narendrakumar@klh.edu.in
Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour, Customer Relationship Management, Data Visualisation using Tableau.
Scoupus-4, UGC Carelist-6
Workshop and Seminars - 7
FDPs - 8
Global Certifications - 1